Simon Fell > Its just code : Friday, April 19, 2002

Simon Fell > Its just code

Friday, April 19, 2002

DiveIntoMark has a nearly apples to apples comparison (modulo a gratuitous reordering and omission of parameters) between SOAP and XML-RPC, but omits any line by line comparison.  Still waiting for the light bulb to go off. [Sam Ruby] Call me biased, but the XML-RPC version doesn't look any less complex than the SOAP version, if anything, the SOAP version looks less complex.
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... but the Cape Clear experiment he disses is interesting, even if it irritates him. (What about all the email addresses they're accumulating, that worries me.)  [Scripting News] That's pretty ironic since MTTF is busy accumulating email adrresses, and worse, the GoogleGatweway is busy accumulating Google keys. (Not that I think Dave or the CapeClear guys have any bad intentions)
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