ISoapDeSerializer::Child Method

HRESULT Child([in] long id, [in] VARIANT_BOOL ready, [in] ISOAPNode * childNode);

If the deserialization engine finds a child element, then the child element will be deserialized and the resulting node object passed through a call to Child. If the Child is fully de-serialized then the ready parameter will be VARIANT_TRUE, otherwise [due to it having a href reference to a multi-ref value we have yet de-serialized] the ready parameter will be VARIANT_FALSE. In the case that ready is VARIANT_FALSE, calling get_Value() on the childNode object has undefined results. You shouldn't call get_Value() on the child until the child is ready, as indicated by a subsequent call to ChildReady with a matching id value.



long, [in]: an integer that represent the internal id of this node
VARIANT_BOOL, [in]: if VARIANT_TRUE, the child has been fully de-serialized and you can the Value[As] on the child. if VARIANT_FALSE then the child is still not fully de-serialized [due to id/href lookups], you shouldn't call Value[As] on the child yet, as it isn't right. The deserializer engine will later make a call to ChildReady, once the child is fully deserialized.
ISOAPNode *, [in]: the child node object


Return Values

Throw an error to stop the de-serialization process, the error will be returned to the client.


Sample Code



See Also

The ISoapDeSerializer Interface | 




Copyright © Simon Fell, 2000-2004. All rights reserved.