ISerializerFactoryEx Interface


This is the new interface for the serializerFactory, it's a version of ISerializerFactory that includes support for local type mappings


Base Interface



Methods, in vtable order (after base interface)

Name Description
SerializerForValue   Find a serializer for a particular value, taking into account, its serialization context.
SerializerForNode   Find a serializer for a particular Nodes value, taking into account, its serialization context.
ReturnSerializer   returns a serializer to the pool
DeserializerForType   Given an Xml type, find a suitable deserializer
DeserializerForElement   Given an element QName and its context, find a suitable de-serializer.
ReturnDeSerializer   Returns the de-serializer object, back to the pool
FindType   Given an element name and containing type, look for its registered XML type.
XsiForPrimaryNS   Returns the XML Schema Instance namespaceURI for the current primary Schema Namespace
IsAnyType   Given an Xml Type, it will return true if it is an AnyType type [xsd:anyType for the 2001 XSD Schema or xsd:ur-type for the 1999 XSD schema]
AreEqualComTypes   Given a pair of Xml Types, this method calculates if a de-serialized instance of both types would result in the same COM type
FindComType   Given a particular Xml Type, this returns the resulting COM if an instance of that type was deserialized


When to Implement

There's a standard implementation of this provided


When to Call

The serializer and deserializer engines will call this as needed, you shouldn't need to call it yourself.


See Also

The PocketSOAP Library | 




Copyright © Simon Fell, 2000-2004. All rights reserved.