ISerializerFactoryConfig2::LocalTypeMapping Method

HRESULT LocalTypeMapping([in] BSTR ParentXmlType, [in] BSTR ParentXmlTypeNS, [in] BSTR ChildName, [in] BSTR ChildNamespace, [in] BSTR Type, [in] BSTR TypeNamespace);

Registers a new local element type mapping. This is the mapping from an element name to an Xml Type, however it is scoped by the containing type. This allows you to have multiple elements with the same name, but for them to have different types depending upon the type of the element they are contained within.



BSTR, [in]: The XmlType of the containing element type
BSTR, [in]: The namespace of the containing element type
BSTR, [in]: The element name to register a type for
BSTR, [in]: The namespace of the element name to register a type for
BSTR, [in]: The XmlType of the element
BSTR, [in]: The namespace of the XmlType of the element


Return Values


Sample Code

set e = CreateObject("pocketSOAP.Envelope.2")
const XSD = ""
e.SerializerFactory.LocalTypeMapping "one",  "", "item", "", "string", XSD
e.SerializerFactory.LocalTypeMapping "two",  "", "item", "", "int",    XSD
e.SerializerFactory.LocalTypeMapping "three","", "item", "", "float",  XSD

e.parse GetTestMsg

for i = 0 to e.parameters.count-1
	set n = e.parameters.item(i).Nodes.item(0)
	wscript.echo n.Name & " -> " & n.Value & " -> " & TypeName(n.Value)

Function GetTestMsg()
	m = "<S:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' " + _
		 "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle='' xmlns:E='' " + _
		 "xmlns:S='' " + _
		 "xmlns:d='' " + _
		 "xmlns:xs='' " + _
		 "xmlns:xi=''>" + _
		 "<S:Body><d:testFooResponse>" + _
		 "<a xi:type='d:one'><item>String</item></a>" + _
		 "<b xi:type='d:two'><item>1414</item></b>" + _
		 "<c xi:type='d:three'><item>33.33</item></c>" + _ 
	GetTestMsg = m
end Function

' generates
item -> Text -> String
item -> 1414 -> Long
item -> 33.33 -> Single


See Also

The ISerializerFactoryConfig2 Interface | 




Copyright © Simon Fell, 2000-2004. All rights reserved.