ISoapAttachment::ContentId Property

[propget] HRESULT ContentId([out, retval] BSTR * contentId);
[propput] HRESULT ContentId([in] BSTR contentId);

The Identifier for this attachment, by default this is generated by the attachment object as needed. Typically this is either the stringied GUID part of a DIME Idenifier URI (.e.g 0F7CE2D4-5999-4a10-8BF7-23535D45BB76) or a MIME content-Id ( e.g. Ususally you use the URI to identify the attachement, as it contains the correct URI schema for the format in use.


Return Values

A string representation of the identifier


Sample Code

' create the attachment, and create a reference between the attachment and the parameter
set a = mgr.Request.Create ("c:\picture.gif", tnfMediaType, "image/gif")
wscript.echo "Attachment ContentId is " & a.ContentId


See Also

The ISoapAttachment Interface | 




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